Sometimes at night, after a lot of rain, I drive into my street at the end of the day and my headlights pick up the white trunks of the ghost gums reflected in the puddles and I think I should stop at take a photo. But often it is late and I am so close to home and I don't want to stand in the rain taking pictures, so I think I will stop another time.
I nearly didn't bring my cameras home from work on friday, and I nearly didn't stop. But for once there were few cars in the street and the rain wasn't too heavy. So I stopped. A long exposure, illuminated by the lights of my car. I set the camera right on the wet bitumen and crouched over it, so it wouldn't get rained on. I got quite wet, but hey, I was only a few doors from home and hot shower, dinner and glass of red wine awaited me.